“Pictures of the cows are free, but the bull charges”
This sign on the side of the road really made us laugh.
Playing in the mud
If there’s one thing our two Goldens Mersey and Ivan have in common with Michael, it’s that they love playing in the mud.
May 24 Long Weekend in the backyard
We came away with a jar of dill pickles, and they are absolutely wonderful. A little sweeter than the Anne’s Preserves dills that we always get at the Falmouth Farm Market.
A sunset in May — You blink and you miss it!
Sunday May 14th, 6:43pm
Basking in this simple moment
Sometime I spend 10, 15, even 20 minutes basking in this simple moment.
My favourite smile
Mersey at the park down the street.
Just me looking cute as heck!
Welcome home, Ivan
The newest member of our family, Little Baby Ivan.